Welcome to Roadtrip Records Music Lessons!
Located in Camrose, Alberta, and we now offer music lessons on various instruments, including guitar, bass, drums and ukulele.

About Lowell
Lowell is a multi-instrumentalist and spent a number of years as a full time touring musician across much of North America even before he acquired his BA in Music from the U of A (Augustana). 

He currently offers lessons in Guitar, Bass, Drums and Ukulele. He specializes in individualized lessons for the love of music in various genres and is quite comfortable teaching both young and old students.
In addition, Lowell also has experience in recording individuals for auditions, and, multi-track full band recordings, and choirs touring internationally. He has been the Audio Video Ministry Coordinator, at Camrose Messiah Lutheran Church for over 20 years.

Lowell frequently works as a sound engineer in and around Camrose at various facilities and for a wide variety of local events.